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Malden & Combe winners of silver salver.jpg

This year we are pleased to announce that Malden & Coombe Flower Club have been awarded the Silver Salver for most increased sales of the Flower Arranger magazine


Alison Gillott, Area President presents the Silver Salver to Karen Gaunt, Chairman of Malden & Coombe


Surrey Area Club Members please see Carol's details below

The Flower Arranger                                Contact:  Carol Ream 01483 769387

If you are not a club member call 01778 392491 for subscriptions.

Change of Contact:


If for any reason you are unable to continue as the Flower Arranger Magazine representative for your club, please could you email me at with the details of the new contact.

As ever the magazine is jam-packed with seasonal inspiration, step-by-steps and events. If you don’t already subscribe, the cheapest way to get the magazine is via your club; please talk to your club Flower Arranger Officer.  


Autumn Edition - Submission of numbers by 23rd May dispatch 12th July

Winter Edition - Submission of numbers by 22nd August dispatch 10th Oct

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